Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 20:52:49 GMT -5
He looked at her a bit confussed had she thought that he was more then just a human all humans felt pain to a certain extent all humans can die even he knew he could he looked at her and said "why couldnt you belive it was me I am still human like you or anyone else" he had a bewildered look on his face
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:11:38 GMT -5
"I know you are human, just like myself and everyone else." I said. "But, I was scared, like when you used that healing jutsu of yours a final time to save me." I said. "You were so weak for a moment, it was like you had broken every bone in your body and couldn't move. I've just never seen something like that with you before." I said.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 21:20:03 GMT -5
He sighed and said "If I was to use it a final time I would use it to save you but I dont fear dieing but I do fear losing you" he looked at her eyes and placed his hand on hers "but I wont die not yet I still have alot to do in life before I die"he smiled
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:28:10 GMT -5
I looked down at his hand and mine. There was no blood on my hands, but I could still remember that warm, sticky feeling of his blood on my hands. I nodded slowly. "It was just so scary, nobody I know has looked like that before." I said. "Not even Yuo, who I swear, has probably broken almost every bone in his body at least once." I said.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 21:30:38 GMT -5
He put his hand on his cheek and said "I am probably like no one you have ever known"he looked at her and said "besides I cant let myself die just yet I still have alot to accomplish before I do"he smiled and looked into her eyes they always made hims tronger for some reason he didnt know
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:32:38 GMT -5
I nodded and blushed a bit. I ran my hand along the sides of his arms, sure enough, he hadn't broken any bones in his body at all, it just seemed like that to me. "Santo-kun, if you were to break an arm or a leg, would it heal, just like the rest of your body?" I asked him.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 21:36:00 GMT -5
He nodded and said "yes yes it would preety much anything bleeding cuts most scars all would be healed that is the way my body is"he looked at her and smiled and said "this is who I am the one who has his eyes in seeing and body in healing" he showed her his hands and how once during there fight how they were scared and now healed
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:39:54 GMT -5
I ran my own hands across his hands. It was just so unnatural. I frowned. "Oh do I wish I could heal like you do, then I'd never have to be in any type of cast or anything!" I said loudly. "But that kind of thing would be more useful to Yuo, not me." I said. "I never get hurt, except for minor scratches." I said. I looked up at him and kissed his cheek again.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 21:42:39 GMT -5
He blushed and put his hand on his cheek saying "well maybe he could if he could translate the stone then he would be able to do it but that is risky since it took me a few years to do it and my father ten years so it wouldnt be easy but it would help him and you could try"
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:46:44 GMT -5
"Oh no oh no!" I exclaimed. I shook my head. "To be truthful, I'd rather sit in a cast for however long than heal automatically." I said. "And I'm sure Yuo would too." I said. "After all, the whole constant injury thing with Yuo, if what makes him Yuo." I said. I laughed. "And plus, there is only one of you." I said.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 21:49:33 GMT -5
He smiled and said "I am the last for now is all I may someday be the ehad of a family if I find a girl but till then I am the last but that just shows who I am"he looked at her and smiled and he remembered the one time he had been his right arm was shattered in almost tweleve places and he had to wear it for a weak
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 21:55:24 GMT -5
I cuddled in close to him, feeling the warmth of his body. "Don't think too much Santo-kun, you know I can tell what you are thinking but your body." I said, closing my eyes and smiling. "That's my special ability." I chuckled. "I absolutely adore you Santo-kun, I love you so much, that I can't keep you out of my mind." I thought happily.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 22:02:38 GMT -5
he smiled and said "I may think alot but you dont know of what...I think of how much I care for you shi-chan I think of how much I love you to what legths I would go to protect you shi this is what I think of"he held her and smiled looking down at her and beging to clse his eyes
Post by Shizuke Tsukiyama on Jan 22, 2008 22:09:36 GMT -5
I opened my eyes and scowled at him. I slapped his cheek lightly, in a kidding sort of way. "I do so, before you said that, you were thinking about an injury, something you didn't want to tell me." I said. I cuddled back into him, a proud smile on my face. "It was obvious, the tightening of your muscles, and the slight tension." I said.
Post by Santomoro Purotekuta- Mei on Jan 22, 2008 22:14:27 GMT -5
He smiled and said "I dont care about injures shi-chan it makes no diffrence besides if I was worried you would see me pacing I may think every once in a while about them but it is only for a moment so I dont forget I am still just a human like everyone else" he looked at her and smiled